About Us

We are a group of parents fascinated by gaga ball. At first, we didn’t get it and couldn’t figure it out. But the moment we started playing with our kids, we couldn’t stop, and now it’s a weekly Sunday activity in our backyards. 

We wanted to create a resource where parents can learn about gaga ball. For instance, you might wonder, “Why is it called that?” Good question. Despite your first thoughts, it has nothing to do with pop music royalty Lady Gaga. ‘Gaga’ is the Hebrew word for touch-touch, which makes sense considering the game most likely began in Israel. But if you’re not entirely convinced that this is a game your kids should be playing, here are a few benefits they might be missing out on.

It Keeps You Physically Active

Having regular physical activity is vital for everybody, including children. Not only does exercising reduce the risk of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, but it also reduces the risk of other diseases. 

Exercise also promotes a healthy body weight and helps to pump more oxygen-filled blood into our muscles. While some people might go to the gym, ride a bike, or play sports, the gaga ball is a low-impact form of exercise, making it fun but effective for kids. 

It Improves Motor Skills 

At Gaga Ball Gurus, each team member collaborates to create our gaga ball pits, which teach children the importance of coordination and motor skills. This is also true when playing the actual game, where the fast-paced nature of the gaga ball encourages kids to react, move, dodge, and throw a softball. 

The confined space where the action takes place also adds another dimension to the game, where the challenge of winning is more complex than dodgeball. There are also many other ways how children can improve their existing motor skills, such as: 

  • Having a lot of kids in a small area 
  • Develops jumping, agility, dodging, and striking skills
  • It helps with hand-eye coordination while staying on the move

It Helps Burn Energy

Gaga ball can be exhausting due to the amount of physical activity it requires. Therefore kids are burning off excess energy the entire time they’re playing, which in turn releases endorphins. So if your kids have been temperamental of late or acting out in school or at home, a game of gaga ball could do wonders for everyone involved, as endorphins are the hormones known for making us happy. 

It’s Great Cardio

Constantly moving around the gaga pit is a fun way for kids to enjoy while reaping the benefits of a good cardio exercise, such as: 

  • Increased metabolism
  • Improved heart health
  • Burning calories 
  • Improved lung strength 

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